HerzigHeadShotOriginally from NJ, Alyson now lives in the Midwest but has kept her sarcastic cynical Jersey attitude. You can find her blogging about the perpetual shit storm of her life at TheShitastrophy.com. She also has more to offer the world than just humorous observations and can be found flexing her brain at LeftyPop.com where she is a Featured Contributor. Alyson’s other works have been published at Mamapedia.com, WhatTheFlicka.com, InThePowderRoom.com, and BonBonBreak.com.

She is also working on a collection of humorous essays in hopes of proving to others they really could have it worse – they could be her. She has branched out for the Her Stories Project and shared a personal poignant side of her life, the collapse of a good friendship and how through her daughter she was able to learn a valuable lesson.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +.