28dff04a-21c7-4d3d-aed4-6f76a66cfaf9Leah Vidal is the author of Red Circle Days and writer at Little Miss Wordy. Her writing covers a range of topics including current events, health and wellness, parenting and daily tribulations. While she enjoys writing about each of these, she is most at home when adding a personal element to a broad topic by sharing life’s little moments…those that plant the thought provoking seed of self discovery. She believes it is these moments that are life’s biggest lessons.

Leah is a 2014 BlogHer Voice Of The Year and her blog has been syndicated on BlogHer, featured on the Erma Bombeck site, Freshly Pressed on WordPress and highlighted on Fitness and Parenting sites. She has been featured on PubSlush Women Of Wednesday and is currently working on her second book.

Leah paused her career in Public Relations to raise her two children and has never looked back, except on the days when it would be nice to have an office to escape to or at least a desk to hide under. Her family recently lives in Puerto Rico, where she is a fitness-focused (physical, spiritual and mental health), mom of two, and wife of one, who enjoys combing the beach for sea glass, avoiding the kitchen, and making words come to life.

Leah’s contribution to My Other Ex is an essay covering the journey of an unexpected friendship which brought a welcome light into her life but eventually dimmed into darkness. Her story touches on the beauty of the instant bond between two women as well as the painful and confusing disconnect that tears them apart.