We are excited to announce our next fall writing course, Writing Your Way to a Better Blog, coming October 27th!
This six-week class will help you develop the skills needed to write high-quality blog posts, including how to blog with authentic voice and purpose, how to write a clear and compelling Bio page, how to incorporate storytelling, how to infuse humor, how to write engaging interview posts, and how to become a better editor of your own writing.
Co-taught by HerStories Project co-editors Jessica Smock and Stephanie Sprenger, this class will feature guest instructors, including many of your favorite bloggers and editors, such as Norine Dworkin-McDaniel of Science of Parenthood, Danielle Herzog of Martinis and Minivans, Kate Hall of Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?, and Sarah Rudell Beach of Left Brain Buddha. It will also features tips and advice from Jill Smokler of Scary Mommy, Nicole Leigh Shaw of Ninja Mom, Leslie Marinelli of In the Powder Room, Susan Maccarelli of Beyond Your Blog, writer and HerStories advice columnist Nina Badzin, Jen Mann of People I Want to Punch in the Throat, Shannon Lell of Mamapedia, Lauren Apfel of Omnimom (and Debate Editor of Brain, Child Magazine), Jenn Rose of Something Clever 2.0, Galit Breen of These Little Waves, Val Curtis of Bon Bon Break, and Lindsey Mead of A Design So Vast.
It’s not always easy for bloggers to find their way in a crowded, overwhelming blogosphere. Whether you are a brand new blogger or an experienced writer looking for new ideas and techniques to develop and refine your authentic voice, this class is for you! With guidance and tips from a diverse group of experienced bloggers, Writing Your Way to a Better Blog is an interactive online course that will help you gain practical knowledge to improve your writing and your blog.
One of the most rewarding aspects of online writing courses is the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with other bloggers, and to become part of a community. Bloggers who enroll in the class will also have access to a private Facebook group for members, instructors, and guest instructors—it’s a great opportunity to learn from and connect with other writers in a welcoming environment.
Classes starts October 27th and end December 5th. SIGN UP TODAY! Please visit our brand new HerStories Project Writing Classes website for more information.