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Don't write alone.

The HerStories Project is a community for midlife women who write.

We support, publish, and instruct writers at all levels.


Join several hundred other midlife writers in a social network community OFF of Facebook.

We connect and support writers just like you.

Our writing groups are about learning and growing together, as women in this messy and confusing time of life.


Make Small Steps

Our Next Writing Workshop

Learn about our next writing workshop experience.



Just published...

Our fifth anthology includes 31 essays by midlife women about their experiences during the pandemic.

Our BOoks

We publish women's stories.

In addition to publishing personal essays on our website, we’ve published four anthologies about women’s experiences.

About Us

We are Jessica and Stephanie.

The HerStories Project started off in 2013 as a collaborative blog project about female friendship. Jessica and Stephanie published women’s stories of female friendship and over the years, the Project expanded beyond the subject of friendship into publishing books, teaching writing classes, and leading online writing groups.

It’s been our joy to work with hundreds of midlife writers just like you. Our lives of juggling family and jobs and writing are much like yours. We know what it’s like, as midlife women, to want to carve out space in our lives for just ourselves. 

Write and learn with other writers.

Join a writing workshop.

Our online workshops are for women from all backgrounds who want support and guidance, from instructors as well as their midlife peers. We have our own private course platform, just for HerStories.

“I return to the writing workshops provided by HerStories over and over.

They are always well-structured, engaging, and challenging enough that I feel like I’m learning something new but also achieving success. This was possibly my favorite one, with interesting and informative mini-lessons and consistent writing sprints.”
– NICKI, writing workshop student

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