A few weeks ago we announced the winners of our first HerStories essay contest. Those three writers will have their essays published in Mothering Through the Darkness: Women Open Up About the Postpartum Experience.

Today we’re thrilled to announce the rest of the contributors to the book with the book’s contributor page.

Our contributors include writers of all types (essayists, humorists, bloggers, fiction writers, poets, memoirists). Filmmakers. Stay at home moms. Working moms. Writers who have never been published before as well as those who have acclaimed writers. Women in their twenties, thirties, forties, and beyond.

It’s a diverse group, to say the least. But what they all have in common is the desire to share their postpartum struggles. They want other women to know that they are not alone. They want to dispel the myths about what it means to be a mom who has faced these challenges. They want everyone to understand that recovery is possible.

We hope you spend a little time clicking through their biographies and reading what they have to say about this project and their experiences.



The process of choosing essays from over 200 submissions was agonizing; there were dozens and dozens of incredibly powerful, beautifully-written essays that we were unable to use for this book. We want to give these brave authors the opportunity to share their message in another way; at the end of this month, we will be hosting a blog post linkup and social media blitz to raise awareness for this subject and to help share your powerful voices. If your essay was not chosen for publication and you published it on a different website or on your personal blog, we would love to have you link up with us so we can share your story through our website and via social media. If you didn’t submit an essay but have a postpartum story you’d like to share, consider writing an original post on your blog! Stay tuned for more details on #ThroughTheDarkness later this month– make sure you’re subscribed to our email newsletter to receive updates!

-Mother.Writer-Learn more about our upcoming writing and discussion class in May: “Mother, Writer: Finding, Claiming, and Using Our Voices